The Saddle Ranch Garden is an outdoor learning space for all students. Classes, small groups and students with one on one support enjoy having hands on learning experiences with the plants and insects in the garden.

This year we would like to expand the growing capacity of our garden with new raised beds for more vegetables, herbs and flowers. Students are also in need of tools for the garden such as shovels and gloves as well.

When students participate in outdoor learning they quickly make connections from classroom learning to real world experiences.

Students are able to be a part of each step of the growing process starting with planning crops, planting seeds, caring for the garden and finally harvesting, cooking or selling the produce. 

Life Science is a component of our NGSS Science Standards K through 6th grade. Having a garden allows teachers to teach their grade level content in a fun and engaging environment. Students can see how science comes to life!

School gardens encourage students to apply skills and concepts they learned in the classroom. Being outdoors also helps students regulate their emotions and communicate with each other. All students can benefit from time spent outdoors in the school garden.

Categories: Get Involved!

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