We cannot connect with the community without THE COMMUNITY, so get involved today– from your ideas, to your time, we appreciate you and all that you are happy to give!
The PTIO can’t do anything without volunteers!
No, really. We can’t!
You can help — whether it’s coordinating an event, heading a committee, helping decorate, writing thank you notes to businesses that contribute, dropping off snacks, or donating — we appreciate it!
Events and activities may be canceled if not enough people volunteer.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
- Time commitment: 2-4 hours a week
Need help with:
- (OPEN 25-26)
The president shall preside over meetings of the organization and Executive Board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
If volunteer slots are not all filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel event and activities.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
Sign up to express interest and learn more. All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
PTIO Vice President
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
- Time commitment: 1-2 hours a week
Need help with:
- (OPEN 25-26)
The vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
Sign up to express interest and learn more. All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
- Time commitment: 1-3 hours a week
Need help with:
- (OPEN 25-26)
The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of
receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the Executive Board.
This person will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the Executive Board, and make a full report at the end of the year.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
Sign up to express interest and learn more. All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
- Time commitment: 1-2 hours a week
Need help with:
- (OPEN 25-26)
The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda for non-committee meetings, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes, bylaws, rules, membership list, and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings. This person, or their designee(s), will ensure all regular meetings are listed on the PTIO website and members are notified of regular meetings at least one week prior to the meeting by sending a flyer home with all students, email, or via Slack.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
Sign up to express interest and learn more. All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
PTIO Board Member At-Large – VACANT
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
- Time commitment: 1 hour a month
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: March 1
Sign up to express interest and learn more. All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 5-10
- Time commitment: 1 hour a week
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Planning Committee Chair(s)
- Establish Venue
- Identify Sponsors
- Solicit and Collect Donations
- Select Bidding Platform
- Hospitality Chair
- Select Venue
- Coordinate Food & Beverage (catering)
- Decorations & Theme
- Donations Chair
- Solicit and Collect Donations
- Pair and match donations into auction items
- Coordinate Classroom POCs for Classroom Baskets
- Bidding Platform input
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Dec. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1-3
- Time commitment: 1 hour (5/5-9)
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Katherine Hering <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Planning Weekly Events (including coordinating Gift Crowd with Angie Binfet)
- Execution of weekly events (generally PTIO takes 3 days and has parent involvement on 2 days). Last year (for example):
- Coffee Cart and Pastries one day
- Staff Catered Lunch one day
- Staff Gift card and candy bar one day
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Dec. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Volunteers Needed: 2-4
- Time commitment: 1-2 Date (TBD)
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Laura Schwaiger
Need help with:
On conference days PTIO purchases lunch for the staff. This will happen twice in Spring. You can volunteer to do both or just one of the two days.
- Receive Budget, order, deliver lunch to Staff on the selected day, provide receipts to PTIO & receive reimbursement for lunch cost
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Feb. 30
TBD – New event
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Allison Hawk
- Volunteers Needed: 2-6
- Time commitment: 1 hour – Friday, 9/6
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with: - Attending 1 (possibly 2) Planning meetings
- Set-up Event: sound equipment, monitor, and tables at 6 PM
- Pickup and Bag OR Pop and Bag fresh popcorn (depends on donation availability)
- Movie Night Royalty Coordinator (Coordinate Movie Night Royalty Set up)
- Concessions: Sell Popcorn, Water, and Glow Sticks
- Clean Up, Breakdown
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
Mustang Stampede
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 10-12
Time commitment: 1 hour – Friday, 10/4/24, - Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Help Set Up the Course in the morning with Mr. Renker (1-2 volunteers)
- Monitor the refreshments table (1 coordinate snack)
- Monitor the Course Boundaries, the Hula Hoop Challenge and Cheer on the Kids! Hand out bracelets
K-2 (4 volunteers – 6 volunteers) 3-6 (2 -3 volunteers)
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Volunteers Needed: 1-4
- Time commitment: 1 hour (date TBD End November)
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Greeting SRE families at the door of the event – volunteers can sign up for shifts
- Collecting receipts to earn income back for school
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 3
- Time commitment: 1 hour – Mon. 11/11
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Allison Hawk <Allison.Hawk@dcsdk12.org>
Need help with:
- Coordination of event
- Set Up
- Coordinate donation of Coffee
- Pick up pastries
- Serve Drinks & Snacks
- Clean up after the event
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Volunteers Needed: 2-4
- Time commitment: 1-2 hours
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Laura Schwaiger <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
On conference days PTIO purchases lunch for the staff. This will happen twice in the Fall (9/19 and 9/25).
You can volunteer to do both or just one of the two days.
- Receive Budget, order, deliver lunch to Staff on the selected day, provide receipts to PTIO & receive reimbursement for lunch cost
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1-3
- Time commitment:
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Greeter (Front Door) & Card distribution
- Concession Sales
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Dec 1
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1-4
- Time commitment: 1 hour per event
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Melissa McGraw <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Reaching out to Skate City to coordinate Skate Night in May
- Reaching out to Kendra Scott to coordinate purchase for dollars in December
- Reaching out to sports teams for community nights (commission for ticket purchases)
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 1-5
- Time commitment: 1 hour
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Katie Facchinello <SREPTIO@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Create images/flyers/signs/graphic design for events in CANVA PRO
- Make updates to the PTIO Website
- Coordinate information for SRE newsletter or regular communications
- Outreach to local businesses
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
If volunteer slots are not filled by the deadline, PTIO may need to cancel events and activities.
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
Stock the Lounge
- Volunteers Needed: 7 (One parent per grade, per month to coordinate Stock the Lounge)
- Time commitment: 1 hour
- Questions about this opportunity?: Talk with Kate Welsh <sreptio@gmail.com>
Need help with:
- Write up email communication to send to all student guardians asking for support for Stock the Lounge.
- Collect money or food and drink items or Shop food and drink items with collected money.
- Deliver Stock the Lounge items to the school staff lounge the second week of the month.
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: Sept. 1
All volunteers will be contacted with more information after you sign up.
You don't have to donate by credit card!
Individual donations for Saddle Ranch must be collected by October 4. Cash or check donations will be collected by providing cash with student name & teacher to avoid fees, or wait til we launch Booster?? Checks should be made payable to SRE PTIO or cash may also be collected by each student.
Attend a PTIO Meeting
PTIO meetings are held every other month with an option to participate on video. Feel free to drop in!
Every parent or caregiver of a Saddle Ranch Elementary School student is already a member of the PTIO – Join Us!
Drop into any of the upcoming PTIO meetings to learn more about all of the events and activities PTIO members are organizing.
Don’t see something that is right for you, but want to don’t your time and talents?
Fill Out Our Volunteer Interest Form
A great way to get started is by filling out our volunteer interest form and we will be in touch to get you involved!
Join Slack
It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
PTIO primarily uses Slack, an instant messenger platform, to communicate with involved parents, caregivers and teachers. It is the quickest way to chat with other PTIO members.
Talk to a PTIO Board Member
Don’t hesitate to say hi to any one of our PTIO Board Members and Committee Chairs at pick up or drop off to learn more about getting involved.
We are Here to Help Get You Started
Send us an email, text or call and we can help get you connected.